Sarah Portway’s Profile

Active 2 months, 2 weeks ago
1 to 12 (of 32 total)
Charlotte Ronin’s Portfolio

Charlotte Ronin’s Portfolio

My name is Charlotte Ronin and I am a sophomore at SUNY Oneonta, over the fall 2024 semester I have tested my skills and knowledge in Dr.Portway’s Fashion journalism class and this is a glimpse into the work I […]

Hilltown Edge Magazine

Sarah Portway

HEM showcases the work and skills of Fashion Journalism students at the State University of New York at Oneonta.

Jathiya’s Portfolio

Jathiya’s Portfolio

Fashion and Textiles with Design Concentration May 2026

carly’s Portfolio

Fash Jo Portfolio

Sofia DelPozzo’s Portfolio

Sofia DelPozzo’s Portfolio. Fashion Merchandising major. Sophomore at SUNY Oneonta.

Hilltown Edge

molly degennaro

FASH 2700-01 Fashion Journalism Fall 2022

Carla Dadulla’s Portfolio

Carla Dadulla’s Portfolio

Portfolio for FASH 300

Lindsay Dictor’s Portfolio

Lindsay Dictor’s Portfolio

My Demo Fashion Portfolio

Ryo Miyazaki’s portfolio


Molly De Gennaro’s Portfolio

Molly De Gennaro’s Portfolio

My Demo Fashion Portfolio

Alyssa Shindel’s Portfolio

My Fashion Portfolio

Mel Montoya’s Portfolio

My Fashion Portfolio