Ashley Allen’s Profile
Portfolio of Logan Conte’s academic career at SUNY Oneonta.
This is a representation of the work I’ve done in SUNY Oneonta.
Hello, my name is Kaitlyn Sinclair. I’m from Staten Island New York. I’m a history major. This folder contains maps from the country Peru that show the culture and climate.
Matthew Terlikosky’s Portfolio
This collection of works highlights projects done using ESRI’s ArcOnline as well as SketchUp. Maps and Models were also presented in the 2041 project.
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Hunter’s Suny Oneonta’s Portfolio
This is a representation of what I have done during my time at SUNY Oneonta, this Study is on Urban Brazil
Portfolio of work on Argentinian Geography during my time at SUNY Oneonta.
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This is my portfolio for El Salvadoran Geography with Dr. Allen in the spring semester of 2022 at SUNY Oneonta.
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Elizabeth Larli’s Portfolio (GEOG 266-01)
The summation of work done during the Spring 2022 Semester in Geography of Latin America (GEOG 266-01), this multimodal portfolio details an exploration of Honduras and its geography. Included within: – […]
A representation of what Noah has done at SUNY Oneonta.
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This is everything I learned
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Essay of impact of Haiti on me
750 word essay on what i learned about Haiti economically and culturally.
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- CloneableCloneable
My name is Nicholas Serrao, I’m an undergraduate student at SUNY Oneonta. I’m an adolescent education major with a focus on history.
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