Organization: Faculty Center

active 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Faculty Center
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The Faculty Center for Teaching, Learning & Scholarship

Recent Posts

SUNY Oneonta Presentations and Award at CIT 2024

Each year, the SUNY Faculty Advisory Council on Teaching and Technology (FACT2) convenes the […] See MoreSUNY Oneonta Presentations and Award at CIT 2024

Faculty Share Published and In-Progress Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)

On April 24, faculty from a range of disciplines gathered to talk about their experiences writing […] See MoreFaculty Share Published and In-Progress Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)

Faculty Q&A with the Office of Community Standards

This month, Jennifer Westmoreland, Associate Director of the Office of Community Standards, […] See MoreFaculty Q&A with the Office of Community Standards

Recent Comments

Comment on: Course Refresh Weekly Challenge Week 3 – Establishing Collaborations

[…] to share the work that you have done if you are willing.  Leave a comment at the […] See MoreComment on: Course Refresh Weekly Challenge Week 3 – Establishing Collaborations

Comment on: Another Day, Another Folder

[…] Sallie Han’s Tip for Remote Instruction on using Content Areas (or Folders) to or […] See MoreComment on: Another Day, Another Folder

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